murcurycat's dni list

If you are included in this list and interact with me (and I see that you are part of this list) I will most likely block you.

  • You just want to cause drama

  • You "kin" other peoples personal/original characters without consent

  • You support negative and hateful behavior

  • If you create cub or feral pornography

  • You fakeclaim people with disabilities (mental or physical)

  • You openly make kys/kms jokes (a lot)

  • Racist

  • Ableist

  • Zoophile

  • Necrophile

  • Fascist

  • Extremist

  • Pro-Life

  • (Problematic) Proshipper / Anti-Anti

  • Sexist / Misogynistic / Swerf

  • Pedophile / Hebephile / Ephebophile / MAP / NOMAP

  • Homophobic / Exclusionist / Truscum / Transmed / Tehm / Terf


kinning vs "kinning"

1. [Actual Definition] Kinning is a spiritual belief, based in beliefs of the multiverse theory, the belief that there are infinite universes, and reincarnation.
2. [Popularized Definition] Having a character/multiple characters you relate to (enough to kin) based on personality, physical appearance, and/or trauma.


Racism is discrimination and prejudice against people based on their race or ethnicity.


Sexual intercourse with or attraction towards corpses.


A person who holds extreme or fanatical political or religious views, especially one who resorts to or advocates extreme action. Extremism is "the quality or state of being extreme" or "the advocacy of extreme measures or views."

(Problematic) proshipper

Proshipping initially meant “pro (as in support of) shipping” aka “I don’t care what you ship.” Some proshippers do ship problematic stuff, but not all of them.

Proshipping refers to the idea that all ships are valid-- no matter the age, gender, trauma, etc. this includes ships including, but not limited to, abuser x victim, rapist x victim, adult x minor, parent x child, etc.


People who believe that they can ship incestuous/pedophilic/abusive relationships, because it's "just fiction." The reason they're called Anti-Antis is due to the fact that they call people who disagree with their ship tastes "Antis", meaning that they are against or "anti" their ships.


Sexism is prejudice or discrimination based on one's sex or gender. Sexism can affect anyone, but primarily affects women and girls. It has been linked to gender roles and stereotypes, and may include the belief that one sex or gender is intrinsically superior to another.


A person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women.


Acronym of "Sex Worker Exclusionary Radical Feminist" that is mainly used as a derogatory label for someone who supports mainstream feminism but opposes sex work and therefore denies women the right to engage in sex work.


The act of claiming that someone is faking a part of their identity, presentation, or attributes for attention, or claiming that they're for whatever reason not real.


Ableism is discrimination and social prejudice against people with physical or mental disabilities. Ableism characterizes people as they are defined by their disabilities and it also classifies disabled people as people who are inferior to non-disabled people.


Fascism is a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government.


Anti-abortion movements, also self-styled as pro-life or abolitionist movements, are involved in the abortion debate advocating against the practice of abortion and its legality.


Zoophilia is the sexual attraction of a human toward a nonhuman animal, which may involve the experience of sexual fantasies about the animal or the pursuit of real sexual contact with it (i.e., bestiality).

cub porn

“Cub” content is what the furry fandom refers to as explicit material depicting underage, animal-like characters.

feral porn

Anything nsfw resembling feral animals.


Pedophilia relates to a specific disorder where there is a preference for sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children.


Hebephilia is a sexual preference for children in early adolescence, between ages 11 and 14.


Ephebophilia refers to an attraction for older adolescents around 15 to 18 years old.


Stands for Minor Attracted Person.


Stands for Non-Offending Minor Attracted Person. Someone who is "Non-Offending" does not go out of their way to consume child pornography, or try to form romantic/sexual relationships with minors.


Homophobia encompasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuality or people who identify or are perceived as being lesbian, gay or bisexual. It has been defined as contempt, prejudice, aversion, hatred or antipathy, may be based on irrational fear and may sometimes be related to religious beliefs.


An umbrella term for people who exclude others from the LGBT+ community. There are multiple kinds of exclusionists, more info listed here:


Truscum are people who believe that dysphoria is required to be transgender.


Transmeds believe that you are only a valid transgender person if you go through medical transitioning.


TEHMs believe that transgender men who like men are actually straight females, and often become upset when trans males who like males call themselves homosexuals. Many TEHMs believe that transexual men want to force cis gay men to have sex with them, and are homophobic. They often attack and verbally abuse transgender men for using the "gay" label.


A person whose views on gender identity are considered hostile to transgender people, or who opposes social and political policies designed to be inclusive of transgender people.